Hello, Citizen of the Internet! Today the FCC is going to vote on Net Neutrality, something we should all (for the most part) support. It’s expected to pass. The problem is, now, we’re not entirely sure what all is being proposed OR if the FCC even has jurisdiction over broadband providers (which may open a whole other can of worms). So if NN is going to pass, there will no doubt be a massive landslide of lawsuits. What IS expected to be a part of net neutrality are a set of rules keeping providers from outright blocking legal content on the internet. Some speculate that while this will protect the customer, it may create a loophole that will allow broadband providers such as Comcast and AT&T to charge “congestive” services such as youtube and netflix a fee to pass data through their networks – something we’ve already seen happening. All-in-all this is definitely something to watch – especially this close to the holidays.