Building Web Sites for Profit and Fun – Relevant References

The great paradox of the internet is information. The internet provides such a vast array of information that just about anyone can learn just about anything about just about any subject. On the other hand, without near infinite time to weed through it all, it becomes increasingly difficult to find reliable, pertinent, and quality information. The sheer volume has become both the benefit and the draw back. And with as many tech-savvy persons as there are out there, the amount of information pertaining to web design and development is astronomical. Throughout the years, I have gathered a list of sites I have tried and tested for valuable content and who I turn to for relevant references.
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Powershell tutorial. The For Statement

This week’s lesson builds on last weeks tutorial but introduces the For statement. The For statement uses a counting loop that processes and continues through a collection as long as the condition equals true. Similar to If statements, the for statement includes a conditional code block and a script block. However you will see that the conditional code block is far more complex.

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Cloning drives for free, no matter the operating system.

Pretend you’ve got 5 identical windows 2003 servers (or any server for that matter – cent os, windows 2003, 2008, and mac os even!) to setup in one work shift. Why break your back trying to install them one at a time on top of doing all the updates? You can just do one base install and ‘ghost’ the drive. “That’s expensive”, you might proclaim! Not so – in fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret – Gparted. Why spend $700 on cloning software when you can just do the same job for free? Yeah, free! Free as the air you’re breathing right now (unless you’re in space, reading from the ocean, or maybe reading from Mt. Everest).
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Building Web Sites for Profit and Fun – Tools of the Trade

Every trade has it’s tools and web development is no exception. It has quite a few in fact. Throughout the years of doing web development I have used many different tools and have settled on a core group of half a dozen or so. It is definitely worth your while examining those I recommend, and possible a few that will receive honorable mention here. While it’s true that tools don’t make talent, they certainly speed it along!
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Windows Media Services Problems?

Yesterday I ran into a problem with a Windows Media Server that I found surprisingly little information about. A round of Windows updates came through which were meant to beef up security, but it also seems they were destined to Break Everything! The error message I received when Windows Media Encoder attempted to make a connection to WMS was this;

the server that received the http push request is not a compatible version of windows media services (WMS). This error may indicate the push request was received by IIS instead of WMS. Ensure WMS is started and has the HTTP Server control protocol properly enabled and try again. (0xC00D2F0C)

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Building Web Sites for Profit and Fun – a Money Making Tutorial Intro.

There was once a time when business moved with the pace of the locals, generally slow and steady. Today, business must keep up with the world and the fast pace of the internet. It’s a fascinating prospect and a momentous movement. But it can be very challenging and scary at times as well. More and more, it seems, success is dependent on the effective and efficient utilization of the internet. Throughout my sojourn in this digital realm, I have run across many who have an aptitude and a desire to build effective websites for profit but really don’t know the finer points of making a success out of it. So here I am going to expound and share some secrets I have learned over the ten years I have been doing this.
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Ruby on Rails – Tutorial 1 – Creating a Rails Project

I heard about Rails back when I was a programmer at BlueHost / Hostmonster since they are one of the “preferred” web hosting companies for Ruby on Rails type applications. There weren’t very many clients who used it, but when questions came in about it, I always seemed to be approached with them. I guess tech support people think that if you are generally willing to help them out and you know a programming language, you know them all. Well, I eventually got sick of saying I don’t know and got some basic knowledge going of Ruby on Rails, and was pleasantly surprised!
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Remote Desktop – overview of Microsoft’s Remote Desktop client.

Microsoft’s Remote Desktop is a decent application for allowing you to remotely control a networked windows computer. The Remote Desktop client which is included with Windows XP and Vista is only a small part of the larger Terminal Services package which is included with Windows Server. This tutorial will introduce you to the Remote Desktop client application.

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