What in the world would we do without Akismet?

The world of online marketing is split into two separate and occasionally difficult to distinguish groups: The first has legitimate products and services and attempts to spread the word about their products and services to the attention of the masses. The second sprays the internet with unsolicited garble and hopes that enough suckers will click thereon to justify their sad existance. Predominantly, they peddle pills, porn, or poker.

This article is about the latter… and queue the Law & Order music…
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Installing Subversion – Fixing Missing Dependency: perl(URI)

Without a doubt, the Missing Dependency: perl(URI) error is the most annoying error to run into when doing a quick, so-called painless yum install of subversion. We use subversion here to handle all our source code and when rolling that code out to new servers. So it’s pretty important that all our Linux servers (all running CentOS) are equipped with subversion. But time and time again, I was running into this problem and finally, through many Google searches, and compiling tips from a variety of sites, found a method that works for us here. Hopefully it works for you too.
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