Terminal Services Remote App

brettI’ve been looking into ways to take advantage of the new features in Terminal Services for our company. One thing in particular, Remote Applications, caught my eye and reminded me of the tools I used to use when I was running Citrix.  Although it wasn’t that interesting to my fellow coworkers, who at the time were relatively new to Terminal Services.  That was largely because their main issue was that they couldn’t see their actual desktop, and the web interface that allowed them access to those applications was unfamiliar, and therefore, uncomfortable.  But the times have changed yet again, and these days my coworkers use a combination of thin clients and laptops to allow them to work from anywhere.

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Here We Go Again

cNet is reporting that on Thursday a bill was introduced to require ISPs, coffee shops, even home users to keep logs of wireless internet access for at least two years.  The bill itself is titled “Internet Stopping Adults Facilitating the Exploitation of Today’s Youth Act”, which does indeed sound like a good thing; however, two years is a long, long time to keep log files on everyone who connects to a dhcp enabled wireless network.

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Google Adwords Optimization – The Golden Touch of Google Checkout Badges

In the realm of internet marketing, one can not with impunity ignore Google and it’s pay-per-click search listings known only as “AdWords”. Optimization of your Google AdWords campaign is critical to surviving and can save you untold thousands. There are many tips and tricks you can find about AdWords optimization, most of them are worth looking into. In my experience though, the best boost our AdWords campaign ever got was the placement of the Google Checkout badge beneath our ads.
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Internet Video on your TV

A lively discussion this morning inspired today’s blog post. The discussion was about Internet video content being displayed on the home television and what that means as far as ease of use and content to the viewer.  Now it is worth mentioning that there are many devices such as slingbox, xbox 360, etc. which allow you to stream video from a pc to your TV.  But what I’m more interested in the devices which easily allow you to view Internet content on your TV without needing a PC back-end.  And as it turns out, devices like that are fairly new to the market.

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Installing Subversion – Fixing Missing Dependency: perl(URI)

Without a doubt, the Missing Dependency: perl(URI) error is the most annoying error to run into when doing a quick, so-called painless yum install of subversion. We use subversion here to handle all our source code and when rolling that code out to new servers. So it’s pretty important that all our Linux servers (all running CentOS) are equipped with subversion. But time and time again, I was running into this problem and finally, through many Google searches, and compiling tips from a variety of sites, found a method that works for us here. Hopefully it works for you too.
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Power of Perl – Controlling and expanding Cpanel/WHM through the Cpanel/WHM API

When running a shared hosting environment, it is impossible to stay competitive without the use of some form of control panel. And in the world of linux shared web hosting, no control panel is as widely used as cPanel Inc‘s cPanel/WHM combo. The Cpanel team has put a lot of time and effort into the remote administration of WHM, and through that Cpanel. With a little ingenuity and not much work, really, this API can be extended to include any functions you can imagine, up to and including the system administration of the machine itself. So lets look at the basics thereof.
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6 – 7 versions of Windows 7 WTF?!

windows_7_graphicI wasn’t a fan of Microsoft’s decision to put out umpteen versions of Vista and I’m still not a fan of this marketing tactic in regards to Windows 7. Microsoft released details today that they will be releasing 6 versions of Windows 7 plus a an N version for the EU that will ship without Media Player installed.

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Google’s new tool kit for measuring your ISP’s performance.

mlabThis week Google released a new toolkit for measuring the performance of your broadband connection. This suit aims to give you an idea of your total bandwidth and offer tools that attempt to discern whether your ISP is throttling specific traffic types such as bittorrent.

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Debugging Perl on Linux – Just __END__ it now! it later.

The art of debugging differs, some, with each language and it’s specific tools. Perl provides an interesting challenge to programmers since it, like most linux-originating languages, has no real IDE wherein it can be debugged step by step with breakpoints and like methodologies. Instead, the perl programmer must resort to using print statements, logging mechanisms, and then there is the __END__.
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A new SSD by ACard

ACard has a new Solid State Drive that supports up to 64Gb of DDR2. While this particular model ( ANS-9010 ) was designed as a 5.25 drive they also have a model designed for 2.5 drives. While you will be able to increase speed over traditional drives, you won’t be saving any money at $399.00 and no.. Ram isn’t included.

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